Towards Cronkley and Widdybank
Towards Cronkley and Widdybank

Canvas, framed and mounted, acrylic and plain photo prints of this picture are available from my on-line shop at this link

From just below High Hurth Edge above Langdon Beck, the ruins of a small mine building stand next to a disused level with its spoil heap to the right. Sayer Hill farm and St James the Less Church mid- distance, Cronkley Scar, Widdybank Farm and Fell in the distance.

Ref: 020#0220

Towards Cronkley and Widdybank

Canvas, framed and mounted, acrylic and plain photo prints of this picture are available from my on-line shop at this link

From just below High Hurth Edge above Langdon Beck, the ruins of a small mine building stand next to a disused level with its spoil heap to the right. Sayer Hill farm and St James the Less Church mid- distance, Cronkley Scar, Widdybank Farm and Fell in the distance.

Ref: 020#0220